Manufacturers & Exporters
Manufacturer of a wide range of products which include temple work constructions, handcrafted temples, temple works contractor, hindu temple constructions service, stone temple works and customised temple works.
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About Us
The knowledge of the Sculpture Science and Hindu Agama possessed by my grandfather Vedaranyeshwara Gurukkal, who belonged to the ancestry of Kudanthai in the first place, and the ability in the artistry of my father Shiva Subramanya Gurukkal in the second and thirdly my endeavor all combined in my strive to involve and associate with great experts in this field of Sculptures and Pundits in Agama Sastra. All this happened and resulted in my acquisition of the education of this rare art due to God’s great grace
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Jhon Doe Creative ManagerWorld is committed to making participation in the event harass ment free on experience for everyone, regardless of leve of expenc gender by identity and expression oriention disability for personal information.
Jhan Doe Creative Manager
World is committed to making participation in the event harass ment free on experience for everyone, regardless of leve of expenc gender by identity and expression oriention disability for personal information.
Nancy Smith Creative Manager